Quote... sticking to ya guns...

"I like it, so I'm gonna write it" - M. Wint

A simple quote that describes my thoughts while I was deciding which direction to head in while writing up a typical day for one of the main characters (Richard), a sort of fly on the wall type of view, following him in his everyday movements, I was writing a piece of the story, like a freestyle, I rarely think too far ahead, I like to give myself enough room when writing, but I came to a point where I wanted to add a minor character into the story, I wasn't sure why or what purpose he would serve at the time, but I had a name and feel for the character in mind, I stopped to think about it and concluded my thinking by saying, I like it (the idea of introducing a small character at that point) so I'm gonna write it, and so I did, as it developed this little bit of writing, it added some much needed interaction with one of the main characters of the story in bringing out some of his character - happy days...

Always follow ya gut!

"I like it, so I'm gonna write it" - M. Wint

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